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Google Begins Rolling Out Dark Theme For Google Maps

1 Mins read

Google has been rolling out night modes to all of its apps, since 2019. The last major hold-up is Google Maps, but that’s fortunately coming to an end as its dark theme is set to soon launch globally on Android.

Google has commenced worldwide rollout of the much coveted dark mode for Google Maps. This would be the last major rollout from the Alphabet Inc. owned company.

Google started rolling out dark themes for its apps in 2019, and following the announcement made last week, Google Maps is joining the list.

The dark theme is applied to both the map layer and menu of the app. Interesting design changes include how the ocean is pitch black, while various elements and buttons feature a notable outline/raised shadow. Overall, this night mode is rather blue.

When you open the app, you would be prompted to choose your preferred theme. Aside from the prompt, you can also change the switch from the app Settings > Theme.

If you do not get the option to use the dark theme, you might have to upgrade your app to the latest version – v10.61.2.

Read also: Microsoft To Update MS Word With Predictive Text Features in March

This night mode is meant to reduce the strain the eyes is otherwise exposed to. It also help conserve battery life, especially, for devices with AMOLED display.

Users started seeing the feature in late September – as part of server-side testing. However, only a small handful of people received it.

The theme has been disappearing in recent few days ahead of this upcoming launch.

Once you open the app, after upgrading, you’ll be greeted with a “New! Maps in dark theme” notice. 

The sheet would present three standard options. Alternatively, when you check the app setting, you would be presented with three options:

Always in light theme
Always in dark theme
Same as device theme

Dark theme is currently, available to Android devices alone.

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When I'm not reading about tech, I'm writing about it, or thinking about the next weird food combinations to try. I do all these with my headphones plugged in, and a sticky note on my computer with the words: "The galaxy needs saving, Star Lord."
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