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HacksHow Tos

How to Enhance Apple’s Siri Functionality with ChatGPT on your iPhone and iPad

2 Mins read

The Launch of OpenAI’s ChatGPT has enabled even more brands to integrate generative AI into apps and services than ever before.

Despite the fact that iOS devices come with their own AI-powered assistant – Siri – You can now make Siri’s functionality even more powerful by integrating ChatGPT.

Step by Step on how to supercharge Apple’s Siri using OpenAI’s ChatGPT.

  1. First and foremost, to incorporate ChatGPT into Siri, you need an iPhone or iPad. 
  2. Next, you need to create an account on OpenAI to access ChatGPT. While ChatGPT can be accessed for free, a Plus version with added perks is also available for $20 per month.
  3. Once you’ve created an account on OpenAI and can access ChatGPT, go to Click on the “Personal” option in the top right corner and select “View API Keys.” From the sub-menu, select “Create New Secret Key” and copy the key. Note that all these steps can be performed on a web browser. Dashboard Dashboard

    How to Create New Secret Key

    How to Create New Secret Key

  4. Now, go to your iPhone or iPad and search for Yue-Yang’s Github on the web browser.

    Yue Yang's Page on Github

    Yue Yang’s Page on Github

  5. Click on the pinned post that says “ChatGPT-Siri” and select “Shortcut Download.” Choose and download the “Smart Chat 1.2 English” version, then select the “Set Up Shortcut” option.
    How to Download chatGPT Siri 1.2 on Github

    How to Download chatGPT Siri 1.2 on Github

    How to get chatGPT Siri 1.2 download shortcut on Github

    How to get chatGPT Siri 1.2 download shortcut on Github

  6. In the next menu, paste the secret ChatGPT API code. The best way to do this is to copy the code on a notes app like Google Keep and paste it from there.
  7. Now, you will see a shortcut named “ChatGPT 1.2” on the shortcuts app on your iPhone, and you can type your query inside the chatbox to get conversational-style answers.
  8. You can also rename the shortcut for easy access. In my case, I renamed it “AI.” I can now access ChatGPT via Siri by using the command “Hey Siri, AI,” and I can ask questions.

While it does work, for the most part, I have experienced that Siri would sometimes automatically close before reading the ChatGPT-generated response, saying “I have finished answering. Please continue.” It’s not perfect, but it does make Siri a lot more capable.

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