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A Week After Elon Musk Acquired Twitter, Jack Dorsey Launches New Social Media Company

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The founder and former CEO of Twitter, Jack Dorsey, is working on launching a new social app barely a week after Billionaire businessman Elon Musk’s successful takeover of Twitter in a $44b deal.

Dorsey co-founded Twitter 17 years ago and briefly served as its CEO, and returned as CEO from 2015 to 2021 when he resigned. Parag Agrawal, the then Chief Technology Officer of Twitter, took over. 

After stepping down as Twitter’s CEO in November 2021, the co-founder of the microblogging app departed the company’s board six months later.

Jack has now dedicated himself to a new project, Bluesky Social, an open-source protocol for decentralized social networks.

Dorsey explains that Bluesky doesn’t intend to compete directly with Twitter in the traditional sense, but to compete with companies that try to own the fundamentals of social media or people’s data.

The week before Musk took over the company and fired its CEO, Parag Agrawal, as well as two other top executives, Twitter’s co-founder and former CEO, Jack Dorsey, announced that he was seeking beta testers for his decentralized social app, Bluesky social.

Read also: Twitter plans to charge verified users $20 to retain the badge

According to the company’s representatives, the announcement enticed about 30,000 users to sign up within two days.

Bluesky was initially founded by Twitter in 2019 to help develop a similar decentralized concept for the social media giant.

“The biggest and long-term goal is to build a durable and open protocol for public conversation,” Dorsey wrote in a ‘question and at the time.

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