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How to Set up a social media page for your business

4 Mins read

Social media can be regarded as a mini website page Because they have a lot in common, and their ultimate goal is almost the same because it all boils down to “having an online presence” that aids the overall goal of the business. However, joining a social network is free and simple and usually starts with opening an account and creating a profile unlike that of a website. In this post we’ll explore:

  • The basics of getting started with a social media site
  • The difference between business and individual accounts
  • The importance of your profile.

Facts about social media you should know before setting up one for your business

  1. There are 3.725 billion active social media users
  2. On average, people have 7.6 social media accounts
  3. The average daily time spent on social is 142 minutes a day
  4. 91% of retail brands use 2 or more social media channels
  5. 81% of all small and medium businesses use some kind of social platform
  6. Social media users grew by 328 million between October 2018 and October 2019, that is 10 new social media users per second.

Now, you should know that there are lots of different social networks out there that can help you reach your desired audience, and knowing your business goals, and how you want to incorporate social into your strategy, will help you decide which social networks are right for you.

Steps to Set up a social media page for your business

The first thing to know before setting up a social media account for your business is that social networks for businesses can be a little different than social networks for individuals. Some social networks don’t differentiate between a personal and business account. For example, you might have a personal Facebook account where you connect and share with your personal friends and family, but the platform also offers pages specifically designed for businesses. Each social network is different and unique in its way, but there are some common elements.

Below are some of the Steps to set up a social media page for your business

  1. Check whether the network you’re joining distinguishes between businesses and individuals, and make sure you set up the right one.
    Networks like Twitter and Instagram don’t look all that different whether you’re a business or an individual but they are still a good platform to showcase your business and achieve your business goals.
  2. Once you’ve got this figured out, it’s time to sign up. This usually means creating an account. Generally, it’s best to use your business email address to do this so you can keep your personal and professional accounts separate. And if you decided to make use of Facebook, know that Facebook allows you to create a business page from your personal account if you don’t want to go through the stress of creating another Facebook account from scratch.
  3. Fill in your information. Now, every social network is going to be different, but there are some universal things, like your business name, a description of who you are and what you do, your address, your email address, and your phone number. These are all pretty standard, and there is also a space for you to upload an image of your business’s logo for better identification.

Many networks will use this information to create a profile page for you, which is kind of like your homepage within the network itself.

Different social networks offer different things, so take some time to explore your options, not forgetting your plan.

Tips for setting up a good social media profile for your business.

  1. Remember the tone of voice you decided to use and the business goals you want to support. 
  2. Write the page description in line with your brand tone. 
  3. choose the images or videos you want to showcase, and even personalize your profile page with background images.

Now that you’ve successfully set up a social media page for your business, there are some things you ought to know about your new business page.

The importance of your social media business page

  1. Your profile page is often the place where you’ll be sharing your content, having conversations, and displaying your activity. 
  2. Generally, all the information you enter about yourself will be accessible to people when they visit your page, and all the things you’re posting and sharing, along with the comments and activity on those posts, will also show up here. This creates a kind of living history of your business’s virtual life in the network.
  3. It is also important you know that your profile pages are also accessible by search engines, so the greater content you provide here, the better the chances that your social pages might even show up when people are searching on search engines!
    Whether people find you through a search or by seeing something they’re interested in that you shared, they’ll likely click over to this profile page, and it can give them a great overview of who you are and what you offer. Even better, they’ll be able to easily interact with you, and hopefully become your next customer!
  4. Finally, many social networks offer advertising opportunities or special features for a price. For example, you may be able to pay for the right to see who else in the network has been looking at you, or you may be able to pay to put the content you’re sharing in front of specific groups of people on those networks. Have a look at the paid programs offered by your social networks, and see if they’re valuable to you.

Creating your business’s presence on the networks you’ll be using, and always keeping your goals in mind is an essential step on the path to social success!


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There's this unexplainable joy I get whenever I write, knowing fully well that my copy will transform people's life and destiny. This rare feeling elates me and encourages me to write more value-packed pieces. I think a divine being has possessed me to write, that is why I write, Therefore, I will advise every of my piece should be regarded as a divine message.
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