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WhatsApp to Gradually Restrict Functionalities If Users Do Not Accept The New Privacy Policy

1 Mins read

WhatsApp has announced that it would gradually turn off calls and messages for users that do not agree to its new privacy policy.

The messaging app added that if users refuse to agree to their privacy policy, after a few weeks, they will begin to lose access to their chat list.

Users will only be able to call and message someone if they are contacted first and click on a notification.

After a few more weeks, said users will lose the audio and video call feature, including the notification, WhatsApp said. The company added that the timing will vary from user to user.

The new privacy policy, which was originally planned for February, was delayed by three months after critics alleged that the update would allow the app to share more personal data with WhatsApp’s parent company, Facebook.

WhatsApp later explained that the updated terms only apply to correspondence with business accounts, enabling businesses to link up with Facebook’s platform more easily .

Although, users’ decision to reject the privacy policy would be honoured, however, they will receive “persistent” reminders on the app to accept the new terms.

Read also: Leaked Facebook Data Shows That Mark Zuckerberg Uses WhatsApp’s Rival, Signal

A company spokesperson confirmed that WhatsApp would not delete the accounts of users who refuses to accept the new policy, neither would WhatsApp limit functionality immediately on May 15, when the new policy comes into force.

The spokesperson noted that users would lose functionality over the next few weeks.

We’ll continue to provide reminders to those users within WhatsApp in the weeks to come,” the spokesperson said.

Whatsapp said in an FAQ that the “policy update does not affect the privacy of your messages with friends or family in any way.”

The controversial privacy policy by WhatsApp led to rival apps like Telegram and Signal gaining more users.

Signal had a download increase of 4,200% the week after WhatsApp made the first notification about the changes.

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When I'm not reading about tech, I'm writing about it, or thinking about the next weird food combinations to try. I do all these with my headphones plugged in, and a sticky note on my computer with the words: "The galaxy needs saving, Star Lord."
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