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Google To Allow Users Add New Streets To Google Maps, Soon

1 Mins read

Google is working on an update that would make it possible for users to add missing roads and streets to Google Maps.

According to Google, the update would give users a lifted map editing experience to allow users to add, realign, rename or delete incorrect ones.

It calls the experience “drawing.” The experience is closely similar to the use of the line tool in Microsoft Paint.

The updated tool should be “rolling out over the coming months in more than 80 countries,” according to an blog post by Google.

Currently, for users to add a missing road, you would only be able to drop a pin where the road should be, type in the name of the road, then submit that information to Google.

The new tool should make it easier to not only add missing roads, but to make corrections such as fixing a road’s name or its direction, like changing a road from a one-way street to a highway.

As expected, Google will still be vetting the corrections to make sure they’re accurate. After submitting the request for a change with the new tool, you’ll see a screen where Google warns that it doesn’t want a bike path to be marked as a road.

Read also: Google Begins Rolling Out Dark Theme For Google Maps

That screen also says that it would take about seven days for the company to review your submission.

Additionally, Google’s Map app would also be getting a feature called “photo updates” which will let users share small details about a place without having to leave a full review.

Users would also be able add images of a location as well as see recent photos with text snippets others have submitted.

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When I'm not reading about tech, I'm writing about it, or thinking about the next weird food combinations to try. I do all these with my headphones plugged in, and a sticky note on my computer with the words: "The galaxy needs saving, Star Lord."
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