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Flutter App + Hashnode API (App Presentation).

1 Mins read

Hello everyone and welcome to a brand new tutorial series on Flutter. Today we’re going to be walking through how to integrating hashnode API into our flutter application.

Let’s get started

So actually, I built this app mainly because of the #christmashackathon challenge then but I was just too busy to come up with a write-up and the app presentation to publish on hashnode but there is another challenge now #VercelHashnode.

Introducing Flutter + Hashnode – an app that makes Hashnode’s story feeds(Featured, New, Best, Community) articles for the day just a click away.

App screenshot

Source code! 👇 Show some ❤️ by starring ⭐ the repo and do follow me 😄!

Source Code – Github

Also available on play store → Hashnode: unofficial app made with flutter.

In this article, I will just walk you through how the app was built.

First, head over to hashnode API doc → Hashnode API

So in the query box just send the request you need starting with a {} → ‘query’.
Example: {storiesFeed(type:NEW){title,coverImage,slug,replyCount}} then press the play button to get response.

I hope you have learned something, kindly leave a comment u want if you enjoy it, and feel free to ask a question. Thanks for reading.

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18 posts

About author
I'm passionate about learning and teaching programming, majorly Flutter at the moment. I make friends, develop, or learn from them.
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