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The future of Technology

1 Mins read

“Why didn’t i learn to treat everything like it was the last time. My greatest regret was how much i believed in the future” -Jonathan Safran Foer

While living our lives, technology become more advance everyday yo suit the taste of each and everyone of us. Looking at predictable visions of individuals, there are exciting and not too exciting visions for the future of technology.

Our digital life and transformation of our technological activities are the new norms. We make use of our individual data to live. Meanwhile, the future of technology is just beginning with DATA and cloud Computing being the most part of the features.

There are hints of products  that have been seen which will either enhance or replace activities which will be near and dear to human.

Machine learning and Big Data.

Machine learning has been said to be an applications of AI that improve a system automatically with the study of Algorithm. They use statistics to find patterns on massive counts of data. Machine learning is part of the process that work in some services lately, some of which are Siri and Alexa.

3D printing

This enables products and components to be made locally. It is efficient and can reduced the environmental impacts on transport and industrial wastes with fast delivery.

Artificial Intelligence- AI


This is already part of us but will be at the highest realm in the nearest future where human can direct the computers to carry out a function. Voices and forensic activities will be carried out on a certain device for it to function on its order. It is mostly used in businesses presently where incomes are being made. AI in hospitals can immediately perform medical treatments for patients upon arrival before the intervention of a medical Doctor. Algorithms are written and combined through data and relevant information to carry out certain function. Although it has been said that AI will strengthen many existing jobs but will also deprive some people of their jobs.

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