1 Mins read
Google has put up Google Online Safety ROADSHOW 2020 to train and empower teachers/parents on how to protect themselves and their families…
ImaliPay launches financial products for freelancer economy workers
1 Mins read
Imalipay is a Nigeria-based fintech organization that has launched a platform to help skillful individuals make extra income for their livelihood even…
Miso Robotics Announces Flippy Robot-on-a-Rail (ROAR): A kitchen robot
1 Mins read
One of the many firms trying to automate food preparation – Miso Robotics, yesterday announced that its kitchen robot, codenamed Flippy Robot-on-a-Rail…
Introducing LSETF with Coursera
1 Mins read
Lagos State Employment Trust Fund in partnership with Coursera proudly presents a fully sponsored online learning program. LSETF has open an opportunity…
Mastercard launches to empower fintechs startup in Africa
1 Mins read
Mastercard has been transforming how people pay and get paid. Their commitment to innovation has supported growing businesses, improved the consumer payments…
Amazon's New Biometric Payment System Let Users Pay With Their Palm
1 Mins read
Amazon, on Tuesday, unveiled a new biometric payment system. The system will allow users to make payments by placing their palm over…
Call for Space-Tech Challenge 2020 Application
1 Mins read
The Space-Tech Innovation Challenge 2020 will identify and develop the most promising new innovators, entrepreneurs and early-stage businesses across Africa. The challenge…
UPKEY Calls for Interns
1 Mins read
Upkey provides high school seniors and college students with fun, interesting, and engaging learning tracks to help them cultivate a marketable professional…
NaijaHacks 2020 - NaijaHacks from home
1 Mins read
NaijaHacks Hackathon is returning with the 2020 NaijaHacks from home (#NaijaHacksFromHome) edition on October 30 to 31, 2020. This year, the Technology…