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A Step-by-Step Guide to Register on Nigeria Police’s CMRIS for Vehicle Owners

1 Mins read

In an effort to streamline and enhance vehicle information management, the Nigeria Police recently launched the Central Motor Registry Information System (CMRIS), an online platform enabling vehicle owners to register their vehicles and obtain a Motor Vehicle Information Certificate. This initiative aims to centralize information on vehicles plying Nigerian roads, aiding in theft investigation and expediting vehicle recovery processes.

To comply with this requirement and avoid potential police encounters or extortion, vehicle owners are strongly advised to register their vehicles on the CMRIS platform and obtain the vehicle information certificate. As your Tech buddy, we have compiled an 8-step-by-step guide on how you can apply for the CMRIS without paying anybody a dime.

Here’s a step-by-step guide to registering on the CMRIS website:

Accessing the CMRIS Website

Visit the CMRIS Website: Go to to access the CMRIS portal.

A Step-by-Step Guide to Register on Nigeria Police's CMRIS for Vehicle Owners

Registration Requirements

Before initiating the registration process, ensure you have the following information readily available:

  • Vehicle Registration Number
  • Chassis Number
  • Engine Number
  • Vehicle Color
  • Vehicle Model
  • Product Information
  • Email Address
  • Phone Number
  • National Identification Number (NIN)

Steps to Register on CMRIS

  1. Get Started: Click on the “Get Started” option on the CMRIS website.
  2. Create or Log In to Profile: Create a new profile using your NIN, Driver’s License, or Tax Identification Number (TIN). If you have an existing profile, simply log in.
  3. Access CMR Requests: Once logged in, navigate to the CMR Requests section.
  4. Provide Vehicle Details: Input all the required vehicle information accurately into the provided fields.
  5. Confirm Submitted Details: Review and confirm the accuracy of the information submitted.
  6. Make Payment: Complete the registration process by making the required payment through the platform.
  7. Verify Contact Information: Post registration, verify your email address and phone number. This step ensures accurate communication channels.
  8. Access CMR Portal: Upon successful verification, gain access to the CMR portal. Here, you can view comprehensive information about your registered vehicle, including its registration status and insurance status.

By following these steps, vehicle owners can seamlessly register their vehicles on the CMRIS platform, ensuring compliance with regulations and facilitating efficient vehicle information management for law enforcement purposes.

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