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Common error codes and their meaning

3 Mins read

In today’s digital age, error codes have become an integral part of our online experiences. They are numerical or alphanumeric codes that are used to indicate an error or a problem that has occurred in a computer program, system, or device. Error codes are essential in troubleshooting and diagnosing issues that arise when interacting with digital systems.

Here are some of the error codes, or HTTP status codes you might come across as you use the internet:

404 – Not Found. This error code indicates that the requested resource, such as a webpage or a file, cannot be found on the server. This error code is often encountered when following broken or outdated links or when trying to access a resource that has been removed or relocated. Websites may use custom 404 pages to provide users with more information about the error and offer suggestions for finding the desired content.

500 – Internal Server Error. This error code indicates that an unexpected condition has occurred on the server, and the server cannot fulfill the request. This error code can be caused by a variety of issues, such as a misconfiguration of server settings, a malfunctioning script, or a database connection issue. When encountering a 500 error, users should try refreshing the page or contacting the website administrator for assistance.

401 – Unauthorized. This is an error code that indicates that the user is not authorized to access the requested resource. This error code is often encountered when trying to access restricted areas of a website or when attempting to perform actions that require authentication. The user may be prompted to log in or provide valid credentials to gain access to the resource.

403 – Forbidden. This error code indicates that the server is refusing to fulfill the request, usually because the user doesn’t have the necessary permissions. This error code can be encountered when trying to access files or directories that are protected by file permissions or when attempting to perform actions that are restricted to certain user roles or levels of access.

502 – Bad Gateway. This is an error code that indicates that the server acting as a gateway or proxy received an invalid response from the upstream server. This error code is often encountered when accessing websites that rely on multiple servers or when using proxy servers to access content. Users may be prompted to try again later or to contact the website administrator for assistance.

503 – Service Unavailable. This error code means that the server is currently unable to handle the request due to maintenance, overload, or other temporary issues. This error code can be encountered when accessing websites during peak traffic periods or when undergoing maintenance or updates. Users may be prompted to try again later or to contact the website administrator for assistance.

504 – Gateway Timeout. This error code shows that the server acting as a gateway or proxy did not receive a timely response from the upstream server. This error code can be encountered when accessing websites that rely on multiple servers or when using proxy servers to access content. Users may be prompted to try again later or to contact the website administrator for assistance.

400 – Bad Request. This error code can be encountered when submitting forms or when inputting data that is not valid or formatted incorrectly. The error code indicates that the server cannot process the request due to invalid syntax or invalid data. Users may be prompted to review their inputs and try again or to contact the website administrator for assistance.

408 – Request Timeout. This error code can be encountered when submitting forms or when attempting to load resources that take longer than expected to respond. It means that the server did not receive a complete request from the client within the expected time frame. Users may be prompted to try again later or to contact the website administrator for assistance.

301 – Moved Permanently. Error 301 simply means that the requested resource has been moved permanently to a new URL. This error code is often encountered when accessing outdated or broken links or when the original URL has been moved permanently to a new location. When this happens, the browser is instructed to update its bookmark or cache accordingly.

In the constantly improving technology front, encountering error codes is inevitable. However, with a basic understanding of error codes and their meanings, users can be better equipped to troubleshoot and resolve technical issues effectively. Error codes can serve as a valuable tool for developers and system administrators in identifying and fixing issues in software or hardware. They can aid in debugging, error tracking, and improving system stability and reliability.

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When I'm not reading about tech, I'm writing about it, or thinking about the next weird food combinations to try. I do all these with my headphones plugged in, and a sticky note on my computer with the words: "The galaxy needs saving, Star Lord."
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