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A fake ChatGPT App is trending on Apple’s App Store

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A fake ChatGPT app is reportedly trending on Apple’s App Store. ChatGPT is a free-for-all AI tool that is available to users around the world over the web. App Store users are, however, being targeted by a fake app version of the web-based AI chatbot. The fake app Known as “ChatGPT Chat GPT AI With GPT-3,” the app charges users a subscription fee, while claiming to work like OpenAI’s popular chatbot software that mimics human-like conversation.

According to MacRumors, an unofficial app that claims to be the app version of OpenAI’s ChatGPT, a free text-based AI tool available on the web, is trending on Apple’s App Store. The original model developed by OpenAI is based on GPT-3, which stands for Generative Pre-trained Transformer 3, and is currently being tipped as the next biggest innovation in artificial intelligence. The trending app, however, is named ‘ChatGPT Chat GPT AI With GPT-3’ and has no affiliation with the creators of ChatGPT. The app has soared to the fifth most downloaded app in the Productivity section of the App Store in a couple of days.

In the report, the fake ChatGPT app charges $7.99 a week for a subscription, or $49.99 a year for an annual subscription, but has no association with OpenAI’s ChatGPT AI.

ChatGPT is currently only available on the web and is still in the beta stage. However, the technology that the chatbot is based on, GPT-3 developed by OpenAI, has seen various apps and services built from it for a wide range of applications, such as chatbots, language translation, and more. Please note that the app that is currently trending on Apple’s App Store has no affiliation with the original ChatGPT or GPT-3 technology developed by OpenAI, and hence, may provide inaccurate or low-quality results.

The application claims to be number one on Top Charts in more than 100 countries. Additionally, the App Store description also acknowledges that the app is an unofficial version of the web-based ChatGPT

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