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VERTU Debuts METAVERTU The World’s First Web3 Phone

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“Beyond the length of what the eyes can see, to the breadth of what the mind can imagine” is the future of our forever-evolving science and constantly-improving technology.

Web3 is likewise known as the future of the internet, better internet. Web3 integrates technologies like blockchains, cryptocurrencies, and NFTs to break the bonds of centralization. Just like a 2020 Twitter post said, Web1 was read-only, Web2 is read-write, and Web3 will be read-write-own – decentralization.

Can you imagine what it will be like to hold a piece of the web3 in your palm? Instead of the regular web2 phones with less sophistication and limited capabilities, owning a web3 phone can seamlessly navigate the web3 as a stone dropped into the sea.

WEB3 technology has been breaking people’s inherent perceptions likewise an appealing market in 2022, from bitcoin, blockchain, mining, DEFI, to BAYC, and much more.

Established by Finnish mobile-phone manufacturer Nokia in 1998, VERTU is a British-based manufacturer and retailer of luxury handmade mobile phones.VERTU recently announced that its new flagship Web3 phone, Metavertu, will open for reservations on Sept. 28, 2022, and officially launch and open for global sales in London on Oct. 24. If finally launched on Oct. 24, Metavertu will become the world’s first-ever Web3 phone.

Is METAVERTU Out To Cause A Revolution In both Mobile Phone And Web3 Industry?
Without any atom of doubt, I think it will.

A senior crypto player, who has tested this phone in trials, mentioned that Metavertu is the first Web3 mobile phone that will materialize the concept of a CNCOS integrated ecosystem, integrating chips, smart terminals, blockchain, operating systems, and high-end services into one phone; and it wants Web2 users to feel a seamless and smooth experience when entering into the Web3 world. It also solves the security problem of digital assets, which is a big issue in the crypto world. Vertu will release some hardcore technologies to support all these functions.

With all of the above stated, Vertu is implying that a revolution is about to happen and a new order is soon to be formed. This time, the European luxury mobile phone brand is going to give those web2 phone manufacturers an edge in business as well as lead in the quest for supremacy in tech.

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We are the same, we may only be different in our experiences, values and exposures. Technology is a big part of my experience, learning is one of my values and writing my credible means of exposure.
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