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Google ad campaign: How to effectively set up your Google ad campaign

4 Mins read

Setting up a Google ad campaign is simple. It’s even easy if you know what you’re doing, but it can be very overwhelming if you don’t have a plan in place.

If you’re ready to take on the world of online marketing, though, setting up a Google ad campaign is no big deal at all. It’s pretty straightforward when you know what your goals are and how to reach them. And if you want to be more specific and laser-focused on your target audience, setting up a Google ad campaign is even easier! All you have to do is define your goals (know exactly what you want to achieve), identify your target audience (who are they?), and track your performance so that you can make sure that whatever you set out for yourself with this campaign is actually happening—and then keep working until it does.

In this article, I will be writing on how to set up your Google ad campaign citing some examples.

Define your goals

The first thing you’re required to do after setting up your Google ad profile is to define your campaign goals or objectives. What exactly do you want to achieve from running this campaign? And you’ve 4 options

  1. Increase traffic?
  2. Generate more phone calls?
  3. Drive in-store visitors?
  4. Educate consumers about a product (Brand awareness)?

Composition of a goal

  1. The objective/Goal: What do you want to achieve?
  2. The mindset: This is what your target audience wants from you and how they search for what they need. You can read about customer intent
  3. The effort: What do you need to achieve your goals
  4. The key performance index (KPI): set a metric to track your performance so that you can make sure that whatever goals you set out to achieve with this campaign are actually happening.

Peelar finance

Objective – brand awareness

Mindset – educate me

Effort – increase users

KPI – onboard 200,000 users before December

Avila Naturalle

Objective – online sales

Mindset – reassure me

Effort – sell products

KPI – 200,000 products sold by December

Read also: Google Ad Ranking Explained: How it works and all you need to know

Define your customer

A Target persona is a fictitious profile of someone you describe to represent a key member of one of your target audience groups. Although the persona will be based on the characteristics of a real customer (or customers), it must be fictitious.

Persona Exercise

Who are they? Background and demographics

What needs do they have?

What barriers do they need to overcome?

What motivates them?

For Avila Naturalle

Who are they? Background and demographics

Sex: Woman

Age: 24 – 35

Status: doesn’t matter

Resident: Urban

Work: Fulltime

Monthly Income: 50k – 100k


  • Find the product that works for her skin type
  • Glowing and smooth skin
  • healthy living

  • Body cream, lotion, and soap that glow and maintain their skin.
  • A quick and convenient way to research and shop
  • Goods Delivered to their doorstep

  • Too many varying brands and products to choose from
  • Skeptical about Authenticity
  • How to choose the right product or brand
  • Lack of time

  • Advice from peers
  • Reviews
  • Value alignment

What if I choose to be specific about my target audience?

Profile: A model, aware of her skin type, very knowledgeable about beauty and skincare. She is a lover of organic products. While looking for natural/organic skincare products to make her glow and maintain her skin she is very careful about what product to use. She prefers to shop online.
Name: Sandra

“I’m natural and I want my skin to glow naturally”


Sex: Woman

Age: 26

Location: Lagos, Nigeria

Work: Fulltime

Monthly Income: 300k


· Find a product that works for her skin type.

· Glowing and smooth skin.

· Healthy living.


· Too many varying brands and products to choose from.

· Skeptical about Authenticity

· How to choose the right product or brand.

· Lack of time


· Body cream, lotion, and soap that glow and maintain their skin.

· Quick and convenient way to research and shop

· Goods Delivered to her doorstep


· Advice from peers

· Reviews

· Value alignment

For Peelar finance

Who are they? (Background and demographics)

Targeting an audience for a Fintech company can be very hard, especially when it comes to banking; you want everybody to be your customer, and you want to bank everybody bankable. Is that possible? Well, I’m neutral so my answer is No and Yes.

Why NO?

The truth is everybody can’t be your customer you still have to be specific to who and who your services are tailored to suit. However, researching and designing your services to suit a particular audience explicitly solving their problem will carve you a niche and position you as an authority in that capacity.

Why yes?

Well, financial institutions do something well, they create a variety of services tailored to suit varieties of people based on demography, location, needs, etc. For example, Banks have a variety of products to suit different audiences e.g First bank kids account, UBA dollar account, Access bank current account, Squad by GTCO, etc.

Therefore this below – but not limited to, is just an overview of what peelar finance does.

Background: Nigerians at home and in the Diaspora who want to send and receive money with ease across the borders of their country of residence. They are tired of the traditional banking procedure which is expensive, slow (takes hours at time days), and complex, due to excessive bureaucracy. They want to easily convert their money to other currencies.
Sex: all

Age: 18 upward.

Status: doesn’t matter

Location: Nigeria, Europe, Britain, and the USA

Resident: Urban

Work: full-time, part-time, remotely

Monthly Income: 50k upward


  • Want to send or remit money to families at home or oversea
  • Own a USD, Naira, GBP, and Euro account
  • Reduced bank charges
  • To complete international money transfers in minutes
Needs/Pain points

  • Optimal alternative to traditional banks.
  • 24/7 accessible bank
  • Zero opening and closing balance
  • Cheap transfer
  • Being able to see charges before finalizing a transaction.
  • Quickly and easily Convert their local/foreign currency to another

  • Too many varying options to choose from
  • Skeptical about security and Authenticity
  • How to choose the right financial institution
  • Lies and deception from varying options
  • Lack of time

  • Advice from peers
  • Reviews
  • Value alignment
  • Cheap international transfer charges.

Please note: I can be more specific based on each feature of the app and I can also be more personal by giving naming a persona. For example, Mark, and come up with some pain points he has and peelar address, as I did with Avila naturalle.

Read also: 

Set realistic expectations

Successful Google ad campaigns require you to be

  • Persistence
  • Have a Huge budget
  • Review your data to see what’s not working and iterate
  • Refine your campaign

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About author
There's this unexplainable joy I get whenever I write, knowing fully well that my copy will transform people's life and destiny. This rare feeling elates me and encourages me to write more value-packed pieces. I think a divine being has possessed me to write, that is why I write, Therefore, I will advise every of my piece should be regarded as a divine message.
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Keywords: Types, Examples, How it works, and How to Use it Effectively