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12 AI writing Tools you can use to Improve your writing skill – AI in writing Series 2

8 Mins read

When it comes to drafting engaging, professional, and well-written content you might not think of artificial intelligence (AI) as your optimal choice, however, AI can save you hours of needless writing by creating material that suits your target audience. AI can generate up to 50,000 (high quality) words per month – depending on what you plan to achieve, a blog post, email promotional campaign, article, product description, advert, etc.

There are tons of AI writing tools out there and they all generate high-quality compelling and engaging copies with easy-to-navigate features, and 5 stars rated user experience and satisfaction, you’ll definitely fall in love with them all. The only thing that might be a stumbling block is their pricing, they all charge differently, some do have freemium packages but you need to upgrade to premium as you scale or when you exhaust your freemium package. 

All the same, it is a fact that AI writing software charges lesser than human writers and its writers’ best bet to stop writers’ block.

There are plenty of AI writing tools in the market but, below are the top 10 AI writing tools you can use in your writing campaign.


Jasper is one of the – best if not the best AI writing generators in the market. This tool was built with SEO and marketing experts to create the algorithm that produces its content. Jasper uses Grammarly to check for content plagiarism and make sure it is error-free.

Jasper generates;

  1. Articles 
  2. Blog posts
  3. Emails
  4. Product descriptions
  5. Video uploads 
  6. Adverts

Subscription plan

Why choose

  • One of the most advanced AI writing tools in the market.
  • 5 days unconditional money-back guarantee.
  • Over 3000 reviews from trustpilot, capterra and G2
  • Used by over 50,000 content marketers including Google, Airbnb, IBM, Digital marketers, Promo, Logitech, and more 
  • Jasper break through the language barrier with its ability to generate content in over 25 languages
  • Generate 100% original content that ranks for SEO
  • Generate contents in minutes.
  • Flexible subscription plans.
  • Affiliate program. Earn a whopping 35% recurring commission for life on any customer you refer to Jasper.

Create content 5× faster without scaling teams; Let jasper write your blog articles, social media posts, and your marketing copy so you can get back to business.

2. Writesonic


Writersonic is one of the best AI writing tools in the market and just like writesonic is a versatile AI writing tool to boost your website’s SEO and generate more traffic. It is specifically trained to write marketing copies and generate content in seconds.


  1. Articles 
  2. Blog posts
  3. Emails
  4. Product descriptions
  5. Landing pages
  6. Adverts (Google ads, Facebook ads)

Subscription plan


Why choose writersonic?

  • Generate dozens of contents in seconds
  • AI specifically trained for marketing copy
  • Generate copy with copywriting frameworks such as AIDA (attention – interest – desire – Action) and PAS (problem – agitate – solve)
  • Freemium plan
  • Works in many languages
  • Over 40 templates to choose
  • Used Over 150,000+ marketing teams, agencies, and freelancers
  • No plagiarism
  • Over 5 – stars from over 5000+ reviews
  • Affiliate program. Earn 30% commission every month on your referred customer subscription packages.

Writersonic is made for E-commerce startups, B2B marketing teams, and anyone who writes copy for their business. In short, writersonic is the perfect fit for anyone who wants to grow their business. Worry less, and focus on your business instead!

Click here to visit the site

3. Articleforge


Using advanced artificial intelligence and deep learning, article forge writes unique, SEO optimized high-quality articles with the click of a button. Articleforge AI writes unique content with the same quality as a human for a fraction of the cost.

It also comes with an integrated image, link, and video generator so you can put together visually appealing articles faster.  


  1. Marketing articles 
  2. Entertainment article
  3. Local article
  4. Health article
  5. Finance article

Subscription plan


Why chose Article forge?

  • Writes SEO optimized content
  • Writes article in 60 seconds
  • Generate unique keywords for every content
  • No plagiarism as all articles created pass Copyscape with zero duplicate content.
  • Requires only a keyword to generate content
  • 5 – free day trial 
  • Extremely affordable and Flexible pricing plan
  • 30 – day no-risk money-back guarantee 
  • Automatically posts to blogs
  • Can write articles in 7 languages including, Spanish, German, French, Italian, etc.
  • Affiliate program. Earn 25% lifetime recurring commission for every customer you refer to article forge. 

Click here to visit the site

4. Rytr

Rytr is an AI writing assistant that helps you create high-quality content, in just a few seconds, at a fraction of the cost! Rytr has the same AI templates just like jasper and also works the same way, it can be said to be the affordable version of jasper.


  1. Blog writing 
  2. Emails
  3. Social media ads 
  4. Video
  5. Copywriting
  6. Creative writing

Subscription plan

Why Rytr?

  • Free forever plan (scale as you upgrade)
  • Extremely affordable pricing plans
  • Write in over 30 languages 
  • Access to 20 voice tones
  • Built-in plagiarism checker
  • Plug-ins to work in your favorite apps.
  • SEO analyzer to find optimal keywords and create a well-written content brief
  • Store and organize all your projects in one place, with a simple folder structure for both client and internal needs
  • 30+ uses cases and templates to choose from

Click here to visit the site

5. WordAI

Word AI uses advanced machine learning models to provide High quality rewriting that is indistinguishable from Human – written content. Word AI does not generate content, it works on existing content making your content sleeker (making it pleasing to read), smarter (Clarity), and better-optimized (adding keywords) for search engines by using AI to improve existing contents.


WordAI does not generate content, it only rewrites existing content.

Subscription plan

Why WordAI?

  • Extensive rewriting
  • User friendly
  • Flexible pricing plan
  • Generate SEO friendly keywords for edited content
  • No duplicate content
  • Create up to 1,000 rewrites per article
  • 3 – day free trial
  • 30 – day No-risk money-back guarantee
  • Affiliate program. 20% lifetime recurring commissions on every customer you refer.

Click here to visit the site

6. Ink 

Ink is a solution for startups who want to win at content marketing. Ink use propriety AI to analyze the competition for your topic and helps you strategize on how to create optimized content faster with state-of-the-art AI generation. 

Ink doesn’t just create content – it can expand, simplify or rewrite existing copy too. Ink AI was created for marketing and uses the copywriting formula (AIDA and PAS) to generate content.

Ink is powered by KUPE, an advanced transformer-based AI.


  1. Long and short term blog posts
  2. Sales copy
  3. Facebook, YouTube, Google, and LinkedIn ads
  4. Rewrites all sentences
  5. Thank you, confirmation, and catchy Email subject line
  6. Blog ideas Topic, introduction paragraph, and Outline
  7. Product description
  8. Meta description 
  9. CTA call to action 

Subscription plan

Why INK?

  • 50+ AI writing tools
  • Freemium forever package 
  • 7 days trial for paid plans
  • No ads
  • Inbuilt Spelling & grammar checker 
  • Extra rewards for referral and reviews 
  • Generate SEO keywords for SEO optimization
  • Chrome extension feature 
  • WordPress plug-in 
  • Writes original contents
  • Flexible pricing packages across boards
  • Uses copywriting formula to generate content.

Click here to visit the site

7. Hypotenuse





Hypotenuse AI generates fluent copy from E-commerce to electric cars. Hypotenuse AI uses computer vision and natural language processing (NLP) to automatically generate product descriptions for E-commerce product Detail pages (PDP).

Hypotenuse was specifically created to write for E-commerce businesses. E-commerce startups should consider leveraging this AI to create SEO-compatible content.


  1. All product description
  2. Blog article (titles, outline, introductions, body paragraph, conclusions)
  3. Marketing copy (Google, Facebook, Instagram ads copy)

Subscription plan

Why Hypotenuse

  • Trusted by more than 1,000 companies across the world.
  • Write compelling content in 5 minutes. 5 minutes for 500+ words.
  • Writes in 25 + languages 
  • Shopify and Grammarly integration 
  • Writes SEO friendly contents 
  • Bulk copy generation
  • Flexible and quite affordable pricing packages
  • Affiliate program.

Click here to visit the site

8. AI-Writer

AI-writer is the most accurate content generation platform, using state-of-the-art AI writing models to generate (long and short form) articles from a headline or a keyword. 

AI-writer doesn’t just generate fresh and relevant content it can also reword existing writing to improve its readability and SEO performance. AI writers also supply a list of sources and citations for the generated content, so you can verify the information and be sure of getting accurate content.


  1. Articles 
  2. Reword articles and blog post

Subscription plan

Why AI-writer?

  • Full article draft in 2 minutes
  • Produces SEO friendly content
  • List references and citations for verification 
  • 100% unique and relevant original content
  • Free trial 
  • Affiliate program. 25% lifetime recurring commission on every customer you refer.

Click here to visit the site

9. Copysmith 

Copysmith is a simple tool that generates high-quality sales copy for your product. cory smith supports E-commerce and marketing teams to generate, collaborate and launch quality content that converts at warp speed. 

Copysmith uses templates to write professional and engaging copies, using common frameworks like AIDA and PAS.

Generates through templates

  1. Ads (Google, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, carousel)
  2. Product descriptions
  3. Blogs (ideas, outline)
  4. FAQS ideas
  5. Branding 
  6. Landing pages
  7. SEO metatag
  8. Event press release
  9. Taglines
  10. Article summary
  11. Rewrites content short sales Email

Subscription plan

Why Copysmith

  • Chrome extension
  • Google ads, Google docs, Microsoft word, zapier, woo-commerce Shopify integration
  • Uses frase to gain access to SEO valuable data.
  • Generate content faster
  • Bulk content generation
  • Over 30 available templates to choose from
  • 100% original content 
  • Free trial no credit card required.
  • Flexible subscription package
  • Affiliate program. Earn 25% recurring commission on every new customer you refer10. Kafkai 

Kafkai is a machine-learning algorithm that can write articles from scratch. Kafkai is the first AI content writer to generate the content, built exclusively for SEOs and marketers. 

Kafkai has three modes of operation. 

The 1st mode is for users that don’t have a specific subject in mind, just choose your niche and kafkai will write a random article.

2nd Mode is for users that have a specific subject in mind for a niche kafkai supports, you can give it a seed paragraph that it will use to write the article. The seed is never included in the article itself.

3rd Mode is for users who want longer articles that are not specific to any topic or niche; you give it a seed paragraph that it will use to write the article.

Supported niche for modes 1 and 2

Affiliate, Automotive, Beauty, Business, Careers, Car insurance, Cyber security, Dating, Dental care, Dogs, Education, Fashion, Finance, Food, Gaming, Gambling, Gardening, Health, Home and family, Home improvement, Music, Nutrition, Online marketing, Outdoors, Real estate, Self-improvement, SEO, Sexuality, Shopping, Skincare, Software, Spirituality, Sports, Supplements, Technology, Trading, Travel, Weight loss. 

Legal and pest control – coming soon.

Subscription plan


Why kafkai?

  • 100% unique content 
  • 500 – 900 words per article 
  • WordPress plug-in
  • 3-day Free trial and 30-days money-back guarantee
  • Translate articles into 8 languages
  • Generate articles in Over 40 niche 
  • Flexible subscription package 
  • Have 3 different modes for article writing, fast and easy niche article writer, advanced niche article writer, and general writer outside of the niche it knows.
  • Affiliate program. Earn up to 50% lifetime commissions by promoting the first real AI content generator to your audience.

Click here to visit the site

11. is the one-stop platform that handles everything from content ideation to delivery. Just enter your requirement and we’ll make it happen with our team of 45,000+ content creators.


  1. Blog (ideas, introduction [paragraph], outline [bullet points])
  2. SEO-optimized title and description
  3. Social media post captions
  4. Facebook ad (primary texts, copies)
  5. Youtube video topic ideas and description
  6. One-liner quirky tweets and engaging tweet ideas
  7. E-commerce Ex. Amazon product (title, description, features)
  8. Copywriting (AIDA, BAB, PAS, features, and benefits)
  9. Informative Quora Answers
  10. Website headline copy
  11. Website sub-headline copy
  12. Content expander and rewriter (improver)
  13. Product review generator

Subscription plan


  • 20,000+ happy users, 1,200+ businesses including Facebook, Amazon, Adobe, indigo, and 2,000+ paying customers.
  • 30+ content types
  • SEO friendly contents
  • 4.8 rated reviews from more than 30,000 users
  • Generate better content copies in seconds 
  • Generates original copy based on user input criteria 
  • Utilizes some of the most popular copywriting frameworks like AIDA, BAB, and PAS.
  • Unlimited content generation even with the basic plan.
  • Easy to use
  • Flexible subscription packages.

Click here to get started

12. CopyA.I

copy.AI is built on top of the world’s most advanced AI language model, CopyAI is helping thousands of people turbo-charge their creativity – and blowing minds in the process.

What you can create with CopyAI

  1. Digital copy (Facebook, Google, and LinkedIn ads)
  2. Social media content (Instagram captions, Instagram posts, brainstorm topics, Instagram hashtags)
  3. Website copy (hero text, subheaders, meta descriptions)
  4. E-commerce copy (product description, product benefits, microcopy)
  5. Blog content (Blog ideas, titles, outlines, intros, bullet points to full blog)
  6. Sales copy (AIDA, BAB, and PAS).

Subscription plan

Why CopyAI?

  • 90+ tools to explore 
  • 100 free credits when you sign up (you get 10 results per credit)
  • Free account no credit card required.
  • Generates contents in seconds 
  • 500,000+ content marketers using CopyAI including eBay, Nestle, Ogilvy, and ZOHO
  • Can write content in 25= languages 
  • Easy to use 
  • Extremely Cheap subscription package.
  • 100% original copy
  • Affiliate program.

Click here to get started no credit card is required.

There are lots of AI writing tools out there you can use but with these above, you will bid goodbye to:

  • Struggling to find the right words?
  • Concerned if you spelled that correctly?
  • Losing time to writer’s block?
  • Writing too casually, formally, or too complex?

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About author
There's this unexplainable joy I get whenever I write, knowing fully well that my copy will transform people's life and destiny. This rare feeling elates me and encourages me to write more value-packed pieces. I think a divine being has possessed me to write, that is why I write, Therefore, I will advise every of my piece should be regarded as a divine message.
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Artificial Intelligence In Writing – Series 1