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DSN; Call for Application as Reviewer

1 Mins read

Data Science of Nigeria is an international and the first Artificial Intelligent with the largest communities and impacts in Nigeria with the vision of raising millions of AI talents in Nigeria that will yield to increase the GPA of Nigeria economy by about 25% growth.

The objective of the project is to provide learning support for Nigerian students currently at home during this pandemic through educational audio contents that will be delivered via Radio and Telephone. Our goal is to reach millions of Nigerian students, who are unable to use the internet for learning, with a specific focus on Primary 4 & 5, Primary 6, JSS 1, JSS 2 & 3, and SSS 1, SSS 2 and SSS 3

DSN is calling on serving youth corps members of NYSC across Nigeria for the roles of reviewers. You are expected to review 6-10 (25 minutes) audio files every day and make sure it meets set criteria.

The role is short term.

To apply click here

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About author
Odeajo Israel is a Software Engineer & Data Scientist. He is passionate about growing the technical communities
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