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2020 AR/VR Africa Hackathon

1 Mins read

The 2020 AR/VR Africa Hackathon is on!

The hackathon will be held in two stages. The online stage will be held from August to November whereas the offline stage will hold in December.

The online stage is open to all African countries and consists of learning opportunities and virtual challenges from organisations around the world, while the offline 48-hour grand finale in December will be held in 11 African countries.

Once you register, you will get access to the AR/VR Africa Discord platform. Here, you will have access to online learning materials, mentors, workshops and masterclasses from global experts, and sponsored challenges from organisations. At the end of the online learning process, teams who have applied and qualified for the grand finale will also participate in an offline 48-hour hack. Over $20,000 worth of prizes will be won.

To register for the hackathon, click here

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About author
Odeajo Israel is a Software Engineer & Data Scientist. He is passionate about growing the technical communities
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