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1 Mins read

The National Association of Computer Science Student of the Nation Open Univeristy launches her Developer community unit of the Association.

The Purpose of this Developers Community is to raise a team that is competent, a student that wants to gain a lot of technical skills about computing.

In reference to the Naaccos President saying, not just by name tags, but having the necessary knowledge is what makes us a better Computer Scientist.

The Noun Developer community is now active and runs virtually. Covid-19 should not from utilizing the opportunities to learn.

The Nacoss Noun Developers ID is licensed to Join our Community.

To get the Nacoss ID Code, click on this link and it will generate the group link, you are expected to introduce your name, the level immediately you join the official community group.

To register, click this link
To get your Nacoss ID Code Private chat Nacoss Noun Official(08140799515)

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101 posts

About author
Odeajo Israel is a Software Engineer & Data Scientist. He is passionate about growing the technical communities
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