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Nokia Unveils Its Generational Step In Data Networking

1 Mins read

Nokia unveils its redefined data centre fabrics with the launch of a new and modern Network Operating System (NOS) and a declarative, intent-based automation and operations toolkit.

The company said:

This will allow cloud and data centre builders to scale and adapt operations in the face of year-over-year exponential traffic growth and constant change brought on from technology shifts like 5G and Industry 4.0.

The new Nokia Service Router Linux (SR Linux) NOS and Nokia Fabric Service Platform (FSP) were co-developed with global webscale companies, including Apple, who is deploying the technology at its data centres.

Basil Alwan, president of IP and optical networks at Nokia, said,
“With decades of experience serving the world’s telecom operators, we understand the engineering challenges of building and operating business and mission-critical IP networks on a global scale.

“However, today’s massive data centres have their own unique operational challenges. The SR Linux project was the proverbial ’clean-sheet’ rethink, drawing from our partnership with Apple and others. The resulting design is impressive in its depth and strikes the needed balance for the future”.

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