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Google announces 100,000 career certification scholarships

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Google has announced the plan to fund 100,000 career certification programs as their support during this coronavirus pandemic period cutting across 3 fields.

 The release by Kent Walker, Google’s senior, who is the vice president of global affairs said that the tech giant’s new suite of Google Career Certificates includes the fields of data analytics, project management, and user experience design. 

Participants do not need a college degree or prior experience for the program, and Google considers the certificate itself equivalent to a four-year degree.  

The certificate programs take about six months to complete.

The new suites add to Google’s existing IT Certificate, which was launched in 2018.

Google is also committing to give $10 million in job training grants across the country, including the YWCA, NPower, and JFF, which help women, veterans, and underrepresented people learn job skills.

Google’s announcement comes as the country has experienced an economic downturn amid the pandemic after several industries shut down during stay-at-home orders.

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Odeajo Israel is a Software Engineer & Data Scientist. He is passionate about growing the technical communities
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