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Applications open for Tech Hub Harare incubation programme

1 Mins read

Co-working space and innovation hub Tech Hub Harare has launched its incubation programme, which offers Zimbabwean startups access to mentorship and funding opportunities.

Tech Hub Harare said the goal of its programme is to develop tech-driven startups that solve problems in the communities they serve and beyond.

The programme helps convert ideas into MVPs over a six-month period, taking in ideation, validation, product-market fit, and business training. Startups receive cloud computing and business support and will be allocated a mentor who will provide weekly feedback on their development.

The six-month programme, which kicks off on July 13, will culminate in December at a demo day where four startups will be selected to take part in the US$25,000 Tech Hub Harare Accelerator programme, which will run for 12 months starting in January 2021.

Applications are open here until July 6. Tech Hub Harare is seeking startups at the idea stage to solve challenges in financial services, education, energy, logistics and agriculture. A fee of US$75 will be charged per month.

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Odeajo Israel is a Software Engineer & Data Scientist. He is passionate about growing the technical communities
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