
Instagram will soon allow Users turn Off Read Receipts in Direct Messages

In response to user demands for increased control over their direct message experiences, Instagram is in the early stages of testing a new feature that allows users to disable read receipts in Direct Messages (DMs). This move follows Instagram’s parent company, Meta, which already offers a similar feature in its WhatsApp messaging platform. WhatsApp users have the flexibility to decide whether or not to reveal the read status for their messages. However, the feature is notably absent from the Facebook Messenger app within the Meta ecosystem.

The announcement of this upcoming feature came through a message on the broadcast channel of Adam Mosseri, who serves as the Head of Instagram. This new feature will grant users the option to turn off read receipts, preventing others from being notified when a message has been read. While this feature provides users with more control over their privacy, it’s worth noting that users can still opt to keep the read receipt feature enabled, which allows others to see when a message has been read.

As of now, no specific release date for this feature has been confirmed. Mosseri did not provide any insights into a potential rollout timeline or expected release date for the general user base. When it does become available, users can navigate to the privacy settings within Instagram to activate or deactivate this feature. Based on a screenshot shared by Mosseri, it appears that Instagram’s menu layout may also undergo a redesign to accommodate the new feature.

Mark Zuckerberg, the CEO of Meta, announced a similar testing phase for this feature on his broadcast channel. However, it’s yet to be clarified whether the feature will be introduced to Messenger, the primary app for accessing Facebook messages.

In addition to this new feature, Instagram recently revealed that it’s working on another functionality that will enable users to add multimedia content to an existing image carousel when they receive an invitation from a friend. This will require approval from the original poster for all added images and videos, enhancing the collaborative sharing experience on the platform.

Instagram users can also look forward to more customization options for their feed. The company is currently experimenting with a feature that enables users to choose what appears on their feed. This includes three primary options: “Following,” “Favourites,” and “Meta Verified.” This feature aims to offer a more tailored and personalized feed experience to cater to users’ specific interests and preferences. As Instagram continues to evolve and introduce these new features, it underscores its commitment to improving user experiences and enhancing the versatility of its platform.

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