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Bizarre bug is spamming Facebook newsfeed with posts made on other people’s pages

1 Mins read

If you have opened your Facebook page today, you might have noticed something strange about your newsfeed. Strange like you seeing series of posts made on other people’s pages appearing on your newsfeed.

It seems Facebook might be experiencing some sort of bug that allows the display of series of posts made by people on another person’s page appear on the newsfeed of others. For instance, birthday posts made to your friend’s page might flood your newsfeed. Also, posts made on pages of celebrities, and some pages you don’t follow (but are followed by your friends) might appear on your newsfeed.

This bug, which was noticed earlier today, has seen lots of Facebook users taking advantage of the bug to reach a wide audience. Some users have been making posts on the pages of celebrities, and these posts are being seen on the newsfeed if those that follow the celebrities.

One of the sample posts that appeared on my Facebook page this morning, is a meme that was posted on Ed Sheeran’s Facebook page. The meme has an embedded caption telling other Facebook users to share the meme to other pages if they can see it.

This bug has led to some crypto enthusiasts also taking advantage o the bug to promote cryptocurrency projects by spamming pages with large following with the information of the projects.

Some other users are seen spamming pages with links and requests for donations.

Although, some users have taken steps to report the issue on Down detector, some users are creating fun out of the bug.

At the time of collating this report, Meta status dashboard does not report any issue, and no Meta official has made any statement about the issue.

This is a developing story…

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When I'm not reading about tech, I'm writing about it, or thinking about the next weird food combinations to try. I do all these with my headphones plugged in, and a sticky note on my computer with the words: "The galaxy needs saving, Star Lord."
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