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Establishing your digital plan: How to set realistic expectations, track results, and adapt to technological trends

4 Mins read

By now, you know how important it is to figure out what you want to get out of digital, how to establish your online presence, and start using digital marketing to drive people to your digital home. Click anchored texts If you haven’t 

Now, you are here because You’ve made the decision to start a digital marketing strategy for your business, however, it is important you know that Digital marketing is a game of scale. You can’t expect to be noticed by millions of people overnight, or even over the course of a few years. But if you’re going to do it right, you need to start small and work your way up. 

All you need is to make sure that your digital plan is geared toward the long haul. Let’s go over a few ways to do that: 

  • Set realistic expectations, 
  • Track your results,
  • Adapt to changes in technology and your industry.

The first thing to remember: don’t expect too much too soon. It can take a bit of time to set up your digital presence and get noticed online.

Setting realistic Expectations

Setting realistic expectations is having a clear idea of what you want to achieve (and how quickly). If you don’t have an idea in mind, then it can be easy to get sidetracked by other things and forget why you started in the first place.

Setting realistic expectations is especially important when you first start out in the digital world. You want to know what you can expect from your digital presence, so it doesn’t seem like such a struggle once you get started. Please know that It can take a little time to set up your digital presence and get noticed online. This means that you might have to put up with some frustration before things really start taking off for you!

For instance, if you’re a hairdresser launching your very first website, your online shampoo sales probably aren’t going to go through the roof straight away.

It takes time for search engines to find you, and for you to implement and improve your digital marketing plan. So, try not to set unrealistic goals you’re unlikely to meet.

Read also: Things to know before hosting a website

Tracking your Result

Another way that we often fail at digital marketing is by not tracking our progress as we move forward from one phase into another: 

Tracking is the process of collecting data and user insights on the performance of online marketing campaigns

A crucial part of any online plan is to measure what you’re doing and make sure it’s working. This is called ‘analytics,’ and it can show you how people are finding your website and what they do when they get there.

We’ve got a post that dives into the details of analytics, but generally, knowing where your online visitors come from can help you figure out which of your marketing campaigns are working and which ones aren’t.

Measuring our results helps us know if we’re doing something right or wrong and gives us insight into where we should focus our efforts next. 

It is very important to remember that tracking your results is just as important as setting realistic expectations! You will need this information if you want to know what worked and what didn’t for you and even your competitors. You can also use this information when making changes and improvements on your own website or social media accounts.

If you know what people do once they’re on your website, it can help you figure out if your investment in digital is working.

For example, in your hair salon, you don’t just want people to find your homepage, you might want them to do lots of things like: watch your clever how-to videos, make appointments, get driving directions to your shop, or actually buy something. Tracking what people do on your site can help you to understand what’s working and what’s not, so you can make changes and continually improve what you’re doing.

Read also: How to create an online presence

Keep up and Adapt to changes in technology and your industry

Finally, it’s important to remember that the online world is constantly changing so never forget to keep up and adapt as technology changes and evolves over time! As technology advances, so does everything else around it—and that includes how people are using it themselves!

When setting up your digital plan keep in mind that technology changes so quickly that it’s nearly impossible for companies like yours to stay ahead of the curve. That’s why tracking your results is so important—it helps keep you on track and makes sure that you’re making progress toward your goals.

A final point to mention: New tools, technologies, and tactics pop up pretty much daily. So a good plan combines the basic concepts that don’t change that often, with forward-thinking to keep up with the latest and greatest.

Similarly, when things change in your industry, make sure your online world is kept up to date.

Are you offering the latest hot trends in hairstyling? If hair dyes become the next big thing, you can quickly update your adverts to show customers what you can do.

Read also: How search engine sees the web


To set yourself up for success online, you need to look before you leap. And don’t stop looking! A good plan will consider three things: 

  1.  know your online goals, and set yourself realistic expectations. 
  2. Use analytics to track and measure what you’re doing and how it’s working. 
  3. Always keep up-to-date and adapt to changes in technology and the industry you work in. 

If your plan tackles all these things and you stay flexible, you’ll be well on your way to the top.

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There's this unexplainable joy I get whenever I write, knowing fully well that my copy will transform people's life and destiny. This rare feeling elates me and encourages me to write more value-packed pieces. I think a divine being has possessed me to write, that is why I write, Therefore, I will advise every of my piece should be regarded as a divine message.
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