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Caduceus And Bin Zayed Group Teams To Create A Twin City Metaverse Experience

2 Mins read

The digital space is evolving so rapidly that we might need to unlearn and relearn to keep in touch with the most imminent inevitable transitions. I like the feeling in this new technological order, where technology has become a force of good, development and growth.

The need to keep abreast of technological innovations, predictions and reality are of utmost importance, especially in this time and space of many possibilities and assimilation.

Founded and developed by a group of international investors and blockchain experts, Caduceus assumes the world’s first metaverse protocol powered with decentralised edge rendering technology with extended reality, with the mission of bringing developers, creators, and users together to create an unrivalled metaverse experience.

Bin Zayed Group
Bin Zayed Group was first established in 1988 by Sheikh Khaled Bin Zayed Al Nehayan(a senior member of the Abu Dhabi royal family) as its Chairman and has grown from an initial staff strength of about 25 people to its present strength of 5000 employees.

The Bin Zayed Group of Companies is a leading conglomerate with diverse business interests in the local and international markets. Over the years, its business ventures have expanded to include construction, energy, real estate, technology, trading, industry and investments.

The Twin City Metaverse
The Twin City metaverse is a project that is aimed at creating an experience with the use of VR technology to bring the city of Dubai into people’s homes, offering up all the city’s delights from its renowned shopping malls to its theme parks, and theatre shows to the many famous cultural attractions it hosts.

This project is designed to harness the experience of the Bin Zayed Group in architecture, property and commerce, coupled with the unique decentralized Edge Rendering technology of Caduceus to develop the Twin City metaverse experience that will set the benchmark in metaverse with no detail missed.

“This is a phenomenal opportunity to set an example of what the metaverse can truly be. The ecosystem is huge and the idea of a metaverse is, at present, undefined and unlimited. By building the Twin City experience with Bin Zayed Group, we can show how real and considered it can feel and look – and from there, the metaverse can keep developing.” – Caduceus CEO, Tim Bullman

“Our partnership with Caduceus for the Twin City Experience brings together a vision we’ve held for some time – real estate, construction, and tech in one. We understand the level of detail and attention needed for beautiful and striking architecture, and Caduceus are the people that embody the ethos of the metaverse. Together, we can bring the life of Dubai to everyone.” – Bin Zayed Group CEO, Midhat Kidwai

The essence of the twin city metaverse experience is to make Dubai a force to reckon with especially at this time when the virtual space is garnering so much attention. The Bin Zayed Group, the landlords of Abu Dhabi partnering with Caduceus is set to create a lively city experience of Dubai in the eye of the Metaverse.

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We are the same, we may only be different in our experiences, values and exposures. Technology is a big part of my experience, learning is one of my values and writing my credible means of exposure.
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