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Signal’s new feature allow users pre-configure the duration for custom timer

1 Mins read

Secure messaging app, Signal, is adding a feature that lets its users set a pre-configured custom timer duration for all its disappearing messages.

Prior to now, users had to configure the disappearing messages feature manually. However, with this new feature, all group and personal conversations can be pre-configured with a predefined timer.

Signal first introduced the disappearing messages functionality to its users way back in 2016. The feature allowed Signal users to automatically delete messages that are sent and received after a specified amount of time.

While announcing the new feature via a blog post, the messaging app explained that the idea of the disappearing messages feature is mostly to reduce storage space, and limiting the amount of conversation history.

Signal further added that the disappearing messages function can also be configured for the Note To Self chat. However, the app added a warning to its users.

The messaging app tells its users that the disappearing messages function does not guarantee utmost privacy, adding that the recipient of the message can take a photo of the chat with another device before the message disappears.

Read also: YouTube activates picture-in-picture for premium subscribers on iOS platform

When Signal introduced the custom timer feature, the timer for disappearing messages could be set from five seconds to one week. Now, users are able to set a custom timer to as low as 1 second to as much as 4 weeks.

To set a timer for disappearing messages, tap on the three-dots (overflow) icon and click on Settings. Scroll to Privacy and locate the Default timer for new chats.

The menu gives 9 options: Off, 4 weeks, 1 week, 1 day, 8 hours, 1 hour, 5 minutes, 30 seconds, and Custom time.

Signal recently gained a huge popularity after WhatsApp’s privacy policy rolled out earlier this year. WhatsApp’s controversial privacy policy led many users to Signal and Telegram.

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When I'm not reading about tech, I'm writing about it, or thinking about the next weird food combinations to try. I do all these with my headphones plugged in, and a sticky note on my computer with the words: "The galaxy needs saving, Star Lord."
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