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How to solve → “shrinker may have failed to optimize the Java bytecode.” in Flutter.

1 Mins read

So I just came across this error while I was trying to integrate google sign in into one of my Flutter app.

shrinker may have failed to optimize the Java bytecode.
To disable the shrinker, pass the ` — no-shrink` flag to this command

The error that you get.

So, to solve this error just navigate to {your-app-name}\android\app\build.gradle, when you get to the build.gradle file just scroll down to where defaultConfig was specified and change the minSdkVersion from 16 to 21 and the problem is gone.

The solution

This solution work like a charm, if your error has been solved through this article don’t forget subscribe to newsletter. Thanks

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I'm passionate about learning and teaching programming, majorly Flutter at the moment. I make friends, develop, or learn from them.
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