
The Vue.js Global Conference 2020

Vue.js mostly known as Vue is an open source model Javascript framework for building user-interface and single page application. It is not backed by any company but maintained and managed by the Vue Community. Vue is flexible and can be used to build modern Applications. It has a lot of built-in solutions and efficiently made to save efforts.

It is also time managing and makes updating of existing projects easy. Vue also helps work easier and faster. It has simple tools, among them is Vue-cli, cli means ‘command line interface’ which makes work easy to start and run projects. Also is Vue GUI which is the graphical interface that helps start projects without writing commands into the terminal. Vue.js are smaller in size and allows easy uploads.

Vue.js Global Conference2020 speakers

Vue.js holds it conference in chosen parts of the world. In less than 2 months, Vue Global Conference will hold. Vue announced its Largest and most Special Vue.js conference will hold in Amsterdam. It will be of new features and version, along with panel discussion, networking and workshop. The conference is themed Vue.js Amsterdam 2020. It will hold between August 13-14.

You can register here.

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