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Snapchat adds a new feature with headspace mini.

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Snapchat is making it a little easier for you to relax with its Headspace mini app. The mini app launched on Monday alongside three others including, group decision-making app Let’s Do It, future telling app Prediction Master and study app Flashcards.

Headspace mini offers a quick meditation session that you do on your own or with a friend. You can choose from six different meditations ranging from three to four minutes.

The Headspace mini app gives you the option to see how your friends are feeling. Swiping up on the app also reveals a “Check in with friends” button that puts a “vibe check” sticker on your snap. You can also add a variety of Headspace stickers and animations to your snaps by tapping “Snap how you feel”.

Although, the company said it was working on Snap Minis, apps created with Snapchat by third-party developers, in June during its partner summit. Snap minis “are a new way for developers to bring their services inside Snapchat and empower new, social experiences. We’ve carefully designed Minis to deeply integrate within your conversations, so coordinating with friends is faster than ever

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