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Google Meet hits 100 Million downloads from its previous 50 Million downloads in May 2020.

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Google Meet is Google’s own video chatroom available for the public use. It was launched in 2017, and has been competing with Zoom and other video chatroom Apps. Due to the ongoing pandemic and total lockdowns all over the world, users now learn through video chat apps to get their daily meetings and conferences done. In May, Google Meet reached 50 Million downloads.

On July 7, Google Meet has reached the highest number of downloads after 50 days difference. Google Meets hits 100 Millions today, the 100 million installs figure is visible on the Google Meet’s Google Play store. Although Google made the App free for everyone back in May where anyone with a Google account can log in here and start a video call with ease.

Constantly adding updates, Google Meet also introduced an AI feature that improves quality of the video even in “sub-optimal lighting conditions.”

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