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Apple to start Producing IPhone in India.

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The giant company will start manufacturing the iPhone 11 in India in collaboration with Foxconn. The move allows it to circumvent the 20 percent import duty imposed by India on smartphones. The step will allow the company wave the 20 percent import duty imposed by the country on smartphones.

It was reported and confirmed on Twitter by India’s Commerce and Industry Minister, Piyush Goyal, and follows an earlier announcement that Apple had partnered with Foxconn to manufacture the iPhone XR in India. Meanwhile, Wistron manufactures the iPhone 7 in the country, as part of a low-cost offering. The locally manufactured iPhone 11s are already available in stores.

The local production of current iPhone 11 models illustrates Apple’s further commitment to India, the world’s second largest smartphone market, as it explores ways to cut its reliance on China, which produces most of iPhone models today. Foxconn, which counts India as one of its biggest markets, is planning to invest $1 billion in its operations in the country, Reuters reported earlier this month. Earlier this year, New Delhi announced a $6.6 billion plan to attract top smartphone manufacturers.
Apple hasn’t been really affected by the pandemic too.

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