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African agripreneurs invited to apply for $50k GoGettaz Prize

1 Mins read

Applications have opened for the 2020 edition of the GoGettaz Agripreneur Prize, which rewards Africa’s brightest young agri-food entrepreneurs with funding and mentorship. 

The GoGettaz competition is seeking agribusinesses that bring technology and innovation to the agriculture and food industries, with two winning entrepreneurs set to win US$50,000 each to grow their business.

Ten finalists will benefit from a package of support to boost their business, while 250 applicants will benefit from online training to strengthen their business plans.

“We need strong agriculture and food businesses to get us through the pandemic and grow our communities and economies when it’s over. We want to support your businesses to become profitable and scale, so you can lead the way,” said GoGettaz.

Applications for the prize are open until June 18. More details here.

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About author
Odeajo Israel is a Software Engineer & Data Scientist. He is passionate about growing the technical communities
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